
QUEST for socio-economic change in the region


QUEST for socially cohesive socio-economic change in Jordan by empowering Jordanian, Palestinian and Syrian entrepreneurs to create their start-ups, expand their existing businesses with the single aim of improving their living standards and paying back to the society.



Our story, values, drive, passion and message are embodied in our name QUEST. As it paves our way forward, QUEST also spells out our values. We QUEST for change in a Qualified, Quantifiable, Unified and Socially cohesive manner lead by an Empowered Team of Entrepreneurs, consultants, donors, volunteers and partners.

Our values are also embedded in our theory of change
and the logic we use to implement our vision:

Because only an

integrated and socially cohesive approach that aligns

the needs and desires of youth and maps them to the needs of the marketplace with its different sectors and companies, can effectively create large-scale business employment opportunities.

Then we believe that we

can influence and partake in developing and enhancing Jordan’s refugees’ and host community labor markets in a

sustainable and enduring way and thus, opening the door for new jobs and career opportunities.

If we QUEST for developing

Refugees into successful local entrepreneurs, through utilizing our own socially cohesive framework of integrated

interventions in the fields of:

  • Development and skills


  • Providing access to financial funding