Who We Support?

The huge influx of both the Palestinian refugees and presently the Syrian refugees as a result of the Syrian war coupled with the Corona Pandemic have negatively affected the neighboring countries on a socio-economic level; leading to social disintegration and economic and business fragmentation, which in-turn caused near-collapse on many fronts.

Among the possible remedies for resolving both emergencies, prioritized and acted-upon by Kerk in Actie (KIA) & DSPR, are based on the reality of the individuality, extensive adaptation and flexible capabilities of Syrian, Palestinian entrepreneurs in their continuous strive for success. Thus, they became adamant on the realization that entrepreneurs are the best intermediaries to enhance and alleviate as many lives as possible in a socially and financially sustainable way. Resulting in the development of a program to support the socially cohesive SME’s ecosystem in Jordan populated by Jordanian, Palestinian and Syrian entrepreneurs, in order to enhance livelihood for both the host community as well as that of the refugees.