Business Capital

Please answer all of the following : Yes No

Is the company a Small/Medium Enterprise (SME)
Has the company been generating reasonable levels of revenue for at least 2 years including current year (if applicable)
Will the company demonstrate a minimum increase in turnover over the next two years
Does the company employ 5 or more employees (both Jordanian and non-Jordanian
Will the company create a minimum of 3 new jobs as part of this proposal (both Jordanian and non-Jordanian
Confirm that the company will not displace existing jobs to create new jobs
Confirm that the company will maintain the existing jobs plus the new jobs for a minimum period 3 years?
Does your company employ non-Jordanians?
Are you willing to employ Refugees and non-Jordanians in your enterprise?
Do you have a business model
Does your business model produce recurring revenues?
Does your business model provide built-in protection from competition?
Is the product/service scalable?
Is the scalability achievable at low cost/resource intensity?
Are there many substitutes available in the market at a similar/lower price point?
Do you have a customer base?
Are the cash flow projections in the financial plan robust and well defined
Is there a clear customer segment that the business is targeting?
Is the product/service innovative and affordable?
Are there barriers to market entry?
Does the amount business vary from season to season?
Is its uniqueness easy to explain to the customer?
Is it easy for the customer to try?
Does it have the required potential in turnover and profits?
Will the product/service serve a gap in the market?