Demystifying Corona

Diluting the global effects of Corona on the global, regional and local business and social environments by assisting and supporting start-up SME businesses to recover through our own QUEST business and social recovery program through creating value in society through economic inclusion and community cohesion of refugee and host community entrepreneurship.

In their attempt to survive the dire effects of the Corona Pandemics, Jordanian SMEs - most of which were unable to take advantage of the support packages provided by the Jordanian government, due to the large part of not being formally established and being too small – adopted drastic and reactive coping measures which minimized the size of their operations and undermined their ability to resume profitable business when the pandemic passes. These reactive coping measures could be summarized by the following:

  • Scaling down operations
  • Laying off workers
  • Reducing wages
  • Limiting new recruitments


The Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordan

The below graph summarizes the barriers to opening a new startup to both Jordanian youth and to Syrian nationals in Jordan. It is clear that both genders of both nationalities face huge obstacles in trying to enhance their living conditions through creating their own startups. This is a present and enduring problem in need of an inventive and ingenious solution that will train, support, enable and empower these creative and hard-working youth to own and operate their own multi-sector business to success. 

Female Syrian
Female Jordaninan
Male Syrian
Male Jordanian

Why Now ?

  • The existing startups’ supporting environment in Jordan is lacking and in need of improvement, evident from the lack of direct and streamlined access to funding, the lack of enablement of advanced technical and vocational training skills acquisition, and the absence of entrepreneurial skills building activities training.

The status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region pThe status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region p


The status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region pThe status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region p


The status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region pThe status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region p


The status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region pThe status quo of the business scene in Jordan and the region p