Executive Summary

The QUEST project, funded by Kerk in Actie (KiA) and implemented by Lutheran World Relief (LWR)/Corus International, aimed to enhance social cohesion in Lebanon by supporting women-led micro and small enterprises (M&SEs).
In addition to strengthening the social cohesion among participants, their families and employees; the project’s goals included enhancing awareness of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), promoting fair and safe work conditions, and fostering community support for participating businesses.
Using KiA's "Shared Futures" holistic approach, the project aimed to build a more inclusive economy by bridging divisions across Lebanese communities. It targeted women entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds, offering financial and non-financial services such as access to finance, financial literacy coaching, and vocational training scholarships.
From 2021 to 2023, the project exceeded its initial targets, serving over 400 M&SEs owned and managed by women entrepreneurs. 20 social cohesion events were organized across all Lebanese regions, where participants showcased their products and services, engaged in discussions and networking opportunities, and formed partnerships and linkages, fostering community belonging. QUEST succeeded in providing sustainable income for women-led and self-employed enterprises through conditional access to finance (Loans, Grants, and Impact Investment) and non-financial services (Financial Literacy Coaching, Social Media Marketing Training Sessions, Vocational Training Scholarships among others) to reduce dependency on aid and restore dignity.
Overall, the project aimed to provide sustainable income opportunities, reduce aid dependency, and restore dignity for participants.
The infographic below (Exhibit 1) shows and summarizes the different activities, numbers and figures accomplished and carried out through the QUEST project through 2021-2023: 

Success Stories:
1)Tahani Santina, a 41-year-old woman, divorced and a mother of 2 kids, works in the Service Sector. Initially she used to produce cosmetic products and sell them from her home-based business in Bourj el Barajne, Beirut. Miss Santina, benefitted twice from “Raeedat”, each time with an amount of $1000, thus a total amount of $2000. She rented a beauty salon in Beirut and equipped it. She respected her financial engagement and paid back both loans and applied for a third loan from Makhzoumi Foundation. This is nothing but a proof that the project succeeded in providing the needed financial knowledge to the women entrepreneurs, which led to a better management of their liquidity, an awareness that the loan is not a burden but rather an asset and tool to develop the businesses, and the progressive reduction of dependency on aid.

2) Another beautiful story is the one of Ms. Doris El Hage, a 45-year-old woman, who works in the Agriculture Sector, specifically in olive oil production. After receiving $2000 from “Raeedat”, she bought tanks and industrial wood shipper. The most important outcome of the project and receiving “Raeedat”, is that Doris was able to register her enterprise, making it a legal entity and benefitting from export opportunities to market her product and reach new markets, especially that she has ongoing coordination with a seller from Qatar.

3) Mrs. Angela Francis, a dedicated program participant renowned for her delicate resin designs, was connected through the program to the Lebanese American University's Academy of Continuing Education Management. As a result of this connection, a unique opportunity occurred for her. She was offered the role of an instructor at the Academy. This chance will allow her to transmit her expertise and insights to a broader audience, effectively sharing her valuable knowledge with others.


Testimonial Video #1.mp4 - Google Drive

Testimonial Video #2.mp4 - Google Drive



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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing . Lorem Ipsum is

The QUEST project, funded by Kerk in Actie (KiA) and